
How to Blend Colored Pencils: Tips and Techniques for Stunning Results

Colored pencils are a versatile medium that allows artists to create stunning drawings and vibrant artworks. One of the key skills every colored pencil artist...
How to Blend Colored Pencils: Tips and Techniques for Stunning Results

Colored pencils are a versatile medium that allows artists to create stunning drawings and vibrant artworks. One of the key skills every colored pencil artist should master is blending. Blending colored pencils can elevate your artwork by creating smooth transitions and realistic textures. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various techniques and tips to help you achieve beautiful blends with your colored pencils.

Materials for Blending Colored Pencils

Before we dive into the techniques, let's discuss the materials you'll need for successful blending with colored pencils.

1. Colored Pencils

Choosing the right colored pencils is crucial for achieving smooth blends. Wax-based pencils like Prismacolor Premier are popular among artists for their creamy texture, making them easier to blend. However, oil-based pencils like Faber-Castell Polychromos are known for their fine details and sharper points. Both types of pencils can create stunning blends, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

2. Paper

Using the right paper is essential for successful blending. Look for a good quality paper specifically designed for colored pencils. Cheaper wood pulp-based papers tend to break easily and don't hold pigment well. They can also distort and tear when layering and blending colored pencils. Opt for papers with a smooth surface that can withstand multiple layers and allow for effortless blending.

Techniques for Blending Colored Pencils

Now that we have our materials ready, let's explore various techniques for blending colored pencils.

1. Layering Pencils

Layering is a fundamental technique for blending colored pencils. Begin by applying light layers of each color, gradually building up the intensity. Start with a slight overlap in the middle and progressively overlap each layer a little further. This gradual change in color creates smooth transitions and avoids harsh lines. Experiment with different color combinations to achieve the desired effect.

2. Colorless Blending Pencils

Colorless blending pencils are a valuable tool for blending colored pencils without adding additional pigment. To use a colorless blending pencil, apply a fine layer of the colorless blender first and then add your lightest color. This technique helps blend colors seamlessly and prevents dark colors from sticking to the paper fibers. It's particularly useful for achieving soft gradients and smooth textures.

3. Smudging With Paper and Tortillons

If you're looking for alternative blending techniques, consider smudging colored pencils using paper products or tortillons (blending stumps). Soft tissues, paper towels, or even toilet paper can be used to smudge the colors gently. Tortillons provide more precise blending and are commonly used with charcoal, but they work well with colored pencils too. Experiment with different dry blending tools and find the one that suits your style and preferences.

4. Blending With Solvents

For more advanced blending techniques, you can use solvents to achieve stunning effects with your colored pencils. Solvents dissolve the wax in the colored pencils, allowing for smoother blending and a painterly effect. Before using solvents, ensure that your paper can withstand the solvent of your choice by conducting a test. Colorless solvent markers can be used to soften and blend colored pencils, creating a watercolor-like effect. Oil-based solvents like turpenoid can dissolve the wax and produce intense blends. However, be cautious when using solvents and follow safety precautions.

Tips for Successful Blending

Now that you're familiar with different blending techniques, here are some essential tips for successful blending with colored pencils:

1.Keep your pencils sharp: Sharpened pencils allow for better control and precise blending. Sharp pencils also reach the deepest parts of the paper, reducing the grainy appearance.

2.Use light pressure: Apply light pressure when layering and blending colored pencils. This helps create smooth transitions and avoids the saturation of pigment.

3.Employ circular motions: Use fine circular motions when blending to avoid harsh line marks. Overlapping circles can further reduce visible lines and create a seamless blend.

4.Change directions regularly: Varying your drawing direction helps prevent obvious lines and maintains a smooth texture. Experiment with different strokes to achieve the desired effect.

5.Burnishing as a final step: Burnishing is the process of applying heavy pressure to flatten the tooth of the paper and create a smooth, polished finish. It removes any extra white spaces and enhances the vibrancy of the colors. However, remember that burnishing should be the final step in your drawing, as it makes it difficult to add additional layers of pencil.

6.Choose compatible colors: When selecting colors for your blends, opt for shades that are close together on the color wheel. Analogous colors, which are adjacent to each other, create smooth and harmonious blends. Consider using transitional colors to bridge gaps between two distinct colors and avoid creating muddy grays.

Final Thoughts

Blending colored pencils is a skill that can greatly enhance your artwork. With the right techniques and materials, you can achieve smooth transitions, realistic textures, and vibrant blends. Experiment with different methods, colors, and papers to find your preferred style of blending. Remember to practice, be patient, and enjoy the process of creating beautiful blends with your colored pencils.

Now that you have the knowledge and techniques for blending colored pencils, it's time to unleash your creativity and bring your artwork to life with stunning blends. Happy coloring!

Additional Information: It's important to note that while expensive colored pencils can offer better blending capabilities, it is still possible to achieve excellent results with more affordable brands. The key is to practice layering and experimenting with different techniques. Similarly, finding the right paper for blending is a matter of personal preference and experimentation. Consider trying out different papers to see which one suits your style and desired results.

Tone of Voice: The tone of this article is informative, encouraging, and instructional. It aims to guide beginners in the art of blending colored pencils, providing them with clear instructions and tips to achieve stunning results.